Supporting companies through technology and innovation

My passion is developing innovate technologies to create an easier, intuitive and more connected life for society while creating opportunities for others to do the same.

”At the age of seven, I had a strong interest in understanding how toys worked more than playing with the toys themselves. It was only a matter of time until I started taking them apart and trying to build them better. This set the tone for my life as I learned that engineering is the field where I can learn and create more complex systems that benefit more people. This website aims to introduce some of the projects I have worked on to become the best engineer, leader, and innovator I can be. Welcome to my story.”

Autonomous Disinfecting Robot

During the COVID-19 lockdown, the world experienced a surge in demand for disinfecting and air filtering technologies. Purdue University saw an opportunity to support this effort by creating a robot that autonomously navigates spaces, filter the air and disinfect surfaces.

I joined this project during the Fall 2020 semester to work on the obstacle avoidance systems for the robot. We were able to successfully tether the robot to a MySQL database and create an interface to visualize performance data.

NASA Lunar Excavation Robot

NASA hosts an annual competition among Universities to design and execute an autonomous robot to traverse the moons surface, collect samples, store them and return to a base location. Purdue has a club for this - Lunabotics.

In my sophomore year, I had the opportunity to work on the drivetrain design of the robot where I performed FEA analysis on the design and manufactured parts for the chassis.

Supporting the Medical Community

As an international student, I noticed there was a subtle disconnect when local health centers attempt to translate medical records for non-english documents. Through the consulting club, Purdue THINK, my team and I were able to attach the schools internal medical database system to Martindale, an external medical monologue that updates their language database periodically.

From this, Purdue began collaborating with other Big 10 schools to do the same. This change reduced the risk of misdiagnosing and created a more seamless process for medical professionals to translate documents resulting in an overall lower liability for the health centers.


Feel free to contact me through email or phone!

